Monday 6 August 2007

Kona Bay Fabrics !! yummy yummy

Hi Everyone !

For those of you who are following the progress of the new Nimble Fingers shop in Desborough - this week I can officially report selecting and ordering a rather large and expensive quantity of Kona Bay and Red Rooster fabrics.

Spending the afternoon walking through the warehouse and selecting bolt after bolt, was like letting me loose in a sweetie shop !!!! it was an amazing experience and I am so excited by some of the wonderful prints I am going to be able to bring to the shop.

I am obviously trying to come up with attractive and effective ways of showing off some of the designs, so if anyone has any ideas as to how I could use a metre or 2 to dress the window or hang on the wall - pre quilt ( I think some of the Kona Bay prints look stunning before being made into anything !) please let me know.

Hope you all have a productive week in your crafting !

Natalie x

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is soooo exciting - beautiful fabrics need to be worked with !! If you haven't quilted before, why not sign up for an evening or day class with Jenny Aldridge at East Carlton Heritage Centre in Northants ? email Nimble Fingers to get her details.